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Jual Alat Pemotong Bawang GARLIC PRO

Jual GARLIC PRO Alat Pemotong Bawang

Jual GARLIC PRO Alat Pemotong Bawang

Rp. 75.000


Dice garlic easily and perfectly without crushing or pureeing garlic like other garlic presses do. You can dice up to four cloves at a time with the Garlic Pro E-Zee-Dice.

Simple place peeled whole cloves inside unit, rotate blades in opposite direction to slice, then rotate clockwise to dice to desired texture.

The twenty stainless steel blades dice garlic in seconds. You can also dice jalapenos, shallots, bell peppers and nuts.

- Dishwasher safe (top rack only).

kegunaan: memotong paprika, lombok, ketumbar, bawang,, dll.

Measures 8 1/4" H x 5 1/2" W x 2 3/4"y without crushing or pureeing garlic like other garlic presses do. You can dice up to four cloves at a time with the Garlic Pro E-Zee-Dice.

Simple place peeled whole cloves inside unit, rotate blades in opposite direction to slice, then rotate clockwise to dice to desired texture.

The twenty stainless steel blades dice garlic in seconds. You can also dice jalapenos, shallots, bell peppers and nuts.

- Dishwasher safe (top rack only).

kegunaan: memotong paprika, lombok, ketumbar, bawang,, dll.

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