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Car Voltage Stabilizer & Voltage Meter (Plus 5 Grounding Cable)

Car Voltage Stabilizer & Voltage Meter (Plus 5 Grounding Cable)
Car Voltage Stabilizer & Voltage Meter (Plus 5 Grounding Cable)Car Voltage Stabilizer & Voltage Meter (Plus 5 Grounding Cable)Car Voltage Stabilizer & Voltage Meter (Plus 5 Grounding Cable)
    Car Voltage Stabilizer & Voltage Meter (Plus 5 Grounding Cable)

Harga Pas : Rp 350.000,- / buah

Deskripsi Produk


High Capacity System & Battery Performance Monitor
Premium Model born through a History of Trust

Introducing the latest and most advanced member in the RAIZIN family of products, our premium model "Mega-RAIZIN" or "Purple RAZIN", born into a lineup which since 2003 has won praise from the world over for its quality and proven performance enhancement. By increasing condenser capacity and through improve-ments made to circuitry, not only has voltage stability been enhanced, but our newly improved voltage meter means improved voltage supply which in turn means no loss in battery life or performance and the possibility of reaching 100% performance.

- Universal fitting for all 12v vehicles
- Come with free 5 point Pivot Super Earth grounding cable
- High capacity system
- Battery performance monitoring
- Improved audio quality
- Increased torque and response and power
- Stabilized idling and improved engine kick over
- Increased headlight brightness
- Improved fuel economy
- Improved battery life
- 21.000uF high quality capacitors

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