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Paint Gun, Paint spray paint zoom

Harga Pas:Rp 330.000,- / buah

Deskripsi Produk

Type: automatic spray gun
Nozzle: various diameters
Material: eco-friendly materials
Scope: car body decoration, wood tables and chairs, furniture and other decor spraying
Spray distance: 30 (mm)
Type of feed: Pressure feed
The product Alias: electric paint spray
Purposes: foreign DIY gun
Hybrid approach: the outer mixed-gun, within mixing gun
The special gun: automatic gun

Basic technical parameters:
Can be equipped with a variety of length of the shoulder strap for easy carrying.
Voltage: 230-240V ; 50Hz
Power: 650W atomization output power: 105W
Pot capacity: 800mL hose, length: 1.5 m
Motor speed: 32000rpM
NB: TIDAK BISA TEST, Retur tdk menanggung ongkir.

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