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ELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 Protocol

ELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 Protocol
ELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 ProtocolELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 ProtocolELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 ProtocolELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 ProtocolELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 Protocol

Harga Pas : Rp 300.000,- / buah

Deskripsi Produk

ELM327 Bluetooth, Car Diagnostic Scanner, OBD2 Protocol (TURUN HARGA!)

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ELM327 Bluetooth is a device for car diagnostic scanner and communicate with OBD2 protocol.
It is support for All cars with OBD2 compliant already. For new car with OBD2 compliant can use this device.
We can see all car's information such as error code, gauge, temperatures, sensor, diagnostic error, and so many.

This device is very helpful especially for women with the car who like to goes to long distance, it's like an our assistant to monitoring the most important issue for our car, such as temperature, trip, voltage indicator and so on, so if our car get any failure, we could know the problem precisely, and before get through the failure, some indicators will remain us, so we could fix them without any high risk.

So many people asking me about what kind of car that would be supported for this device?
I said, all New Cars with OBD2 complaints, you can check your car to dealers and ask technical issue (OBD2 Compliant)

I have tested on my car, Honda New City, 2007, December, here is the link: http://akacom.net/forum/index.php?topic=200.msg792#msg792

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